Monday, March 31, 2008

تــوب العفــاف

تــوب العفــاف

الأنوثـة مش مــجرد
حبة أحمـر عـ الشفايف
الانوثـة مش في انك
تهوِسي عقل اللي شايف
الأنوثـة نعمه غالــية
ربنا اللي اداها لــيكي
و بايديكـي تحفظيها
أو تضيع من بين ايديكي
كل شيء في الدنيا لـما
بيـــــداروه بيزيد جمال
و العفـاف للبنت يغلب
أي شــــكل و أي مال
هو أحسن من عيونــهم
تاخدي نظرة الاحترام
ولا تاخدي سهم جـارح
اسمـــه نظرات الحرام؟
الزهور بتكون جمــــيلة
طول ما لسّه الشوك حاميها
بس لو يوم شوكها سابــها
ألـــــــف ايـــد تتمد ليها
هو أحسن ترضي ربك
ولا ترضي الناس بحالها؟
هو ايـــــه للبنت يشفع
شكلها ولاّ عـــــملها؟
دا الجمال في الجسم زايل
انتي شفتيـه دام لمين؟
و الجمال في الروح بيفضل
مهمـا بتعـدّي السنيـن
سيرة البنت العفـيفة
هى أحـــسن شيء يدوم
حبرها مكتوب بدينـــــها
مش بمكيـــاج أو هـدوم
انسي مكيـاجك وسيبي
نــور إلهك يملى وشّـك
بدلّي مـرايتك بقــــلبك
مستـحيل قلبـك يغشّـك
انتي أجمل ألف مــــــرة
لو جمالك جوّة قلــــبك
مش مهم الخلق ترضــى
المهم ترضي ربـــــــك
هو إيه في الكون دا يغلب
لو الـه الكـون دا حبّـك؟؟؟

ما هو الحب؟

سؤال سألته لنفسي وأنا أتأمل الغروب يوما
ما هو الحب؟
سؤال أجهدت عقلي كثيرا في محاولة الاجابة عليه فلم أفلح قط
من منا لم ير الحب يوما و لم يشعره؟
أتذكر رجفة قلبك حين ترى من تحب؟ الوردة التي أهداها اليك, هل كانت كأي وردة رأيتها في حياتك؟ كلمة أحبك ..هل كانت كأي كلمة سمعتها في حياتك؟
ما هو الحب؟
ما هو الشيء الوحيد الذي يطرد عنك النوم لتجلس شاردا تتامل النجوم؟
ماذا يدفعك للتضحية بكل شيء في سبيل شخص ما؟
ما هو الشيء الذي يجعل دموعك تنساب حين فراقه؟
مالذي جعل عنترة يحارب جيوش النعمان.. ما الذي أفقد قيسا عقله و أودى بحياة روميو و جولييت؟
إنه.. وياللعجب.. شيء يسمونه الحب
ما هو الحب؟
سائرا في الدرب سألت نفسي.. باغيا اجابة سؤال لم يجد له عقلي جوابا
هناك رأيته.. جالسا وسط أنابيب الاختبار و حيوانات التجارب
إنه البروفيسور هنري بوديتش أول علماء الفسيولوجيا بجامعة هارفارد في أواخر القرن قبل الماضي
أستاذي.. أجابت لنا علوم الطب أسئلة لم نكن لإجابتها عالمين, وأنت من أوائل أساتذة علم وظائف الأعضاء.. فما هو الحب؟
في وقار العلماء اعتدل و قال: استثارة الجهاز العصبي السمبثاوي تؤدي إلى تحفيز الغدة فوق الكلوية لإفراز كمية أكبر من الأدرينالين لزيادة عدد ضربات القلب لضخ الدم إلى أجزاء الجسم المختلفة .. كما انها وظيفة حيوية تختص بالفص الأمامي من المخ كما ترجح بعض الأبحاث
وعاد لما كان يفعله..
لم أقتنع باجابته.. ليس الانسان آلة صماء من اسلاك و دوائر كهربية, مشاعرها نبضات كهربائية و افرازات كيميائية.. ما الذي يحرك هذا كله؟
واصلت المسير في طريق التساؤل باحثا عمن يدلني على إجابة
كان جالسا يكتب شيئا ما في مفكرة في يده و هو يستمع إلى شخص ما يتكلم في هدوء عن عقد طفولته
انه البروفيسور سيجموند فرويد.. مؤسس علم النفس الحديث
ما هو الحب يا دكتور؟ قيل لي انه تفاعل كيمياء لكن الانسان ليس مادة
التفت وقال: الحب هو الترجمة المقبولة للغريزة في العقل الباطن.. فالرغبات و الدوافع الحسية تظهر على السطح في صورة مقبولة اجتماعيا لوظيفة محددة تتعلق بالحفاظ على النوع
شكرته و انصرفت.. بشكل ما لم أجد جوابه منطقيا.. فالانسان انبل من أن يكون حيوانا.. و اختزال الأمر إلى مسألة: الحفاظ على النوع.. هو اختزال مخل.. لم يضح الإنسان في سبيل من يحب اذن؟
جددت السير في طريقي باحثا عن مجيب
كان جالسا في محرابه ببغداد يتأمل الوجود
كان الحلاج يتعبد في هدوء و طمأنينة غير مبال بمن حوله
قالوا لي عن الحب مالم أستسغه.. ما هو الحب أيها العارف بالله؟
تبسم وقال في هدوء و سكينة: الحب يا بني هو أن يذوب المحبوب في ذات محبوبه و أن تصبح الروحان روحا واحدة لا اثنتين.. هذا هو حب الله كما علمناه يا بني.. فالوجود حقيقة هو ذات الحق تعالى.. وليس لتلك الأعيان والماهيات الظاهرة وجود حقيقي ذاتي لها والذي نشاهد منها هو انصباغها بنور الوجود الحق
ثم أنشد
لـولاه لما كنـا
ولولا نحن ما كانا
فان قلنـا بانـا هو
يكون الحق إيانا
فيظهـرنا ليظهر هو
سرارا ثم إعلانا
تعالت صيحات الهاتفين في خارج المسجد مطالبين بصلب الشيخ لزندقته بادعائه الألوهية فغادرت المكان
بشكل ما لم أفهم ما يرمي إليه.. ان حبي لفتاتي مثلا لا يعني أن تتألم هي حين أصاب بمغص!.. و ما معني حب الوطن إذن لو وضعناه تحت هذا المعنى؟
أكملت سيري بلا هدى باحثا عن الحل
كان جالسا وسط أتباعه يعلمهم كيف الارتقاء الى النرفانا.. ملامحة صينية رغم أنه هندي أساسا و لا أدري كيف
إنه جواتاما بوذا المصلح الذي لم يدع الألوهية في حياته قط
ماهو الحب أيها الفيلسوف؟ -
هكذا سألته ناشدا ردا يريحني.. فقال: الحب يا بني هو المعاناة.. الحياة سلسلة من الألم الذي يجب التنزه عنه و السمو فوقه.. أن تتسامى و تتصالح مع الحياة حتى تصل الى أعلى درجات السمو و الارتقاء.. النرفانا
سأله أحد تلاميذه عن النساء فقال: لا تقربوهن يا أناندا.. لا تلمسوهن يا أناندا.. و اذا كلمتك إحداهن فلا تردن عليها يا أناندا
شكرتهم و انصرفت
لا أقرب النساء؟ لا أستسيغ هذه النصيحة لأسباب شديدة الوجاهة على كل حال
أكملت سيري باحثا عن شخص يبدو فاهما لهذه الأمور
من غير هذا الشاعر المرهف صاحب أرق قصائد العصر؟ لا أفهم في الشعر كثيرا لكن يبدو أنه يفهم عم يتكلم حقا
ما هو الحب يا أستاذ نزار قباني؟ -
أفاق من شروده و فتح كتاب الحب و قال
حين أكون عاشقاً
اصبح ضوءا سائلاً
لا تستطيع العين أن تراني
حين أكون عاشقاً
تنفجر المياه من أصابعي
وينبت العشب على لساني
حين أكون عاشقاً
أغدو زماناً خارج الزماني
لم أفهم .. لم أر شخصا في حياتي تحدث له هذه التغيرات الجذرية في كتلته الفيزيائية
إجابة سؤالي ليست في الشعر حتما.. حيث المجاز و الاستعارة و الكناية و الرمز.. إنه يصف احساسه و ليس حقيقة الحب.. لا يشترط أن حقيقة الشيء هي ما نشعر به نحوه
شكرته و تركته يتأمل العصافير و الورود
ظللت سائرا على غير هدى مفكرا في إجابة شافية
قابلت فلاسفة و مفكرين وعلماء و مصلحين ورجال دين و شعراء .. أيهم أسأل عن الحب؟
فكرت لبرهة و حسمت اختياري
عزيزي القارئ..
ماهو الحب؟؟
-د.شـريف عرفـة-

أغنيـة للرحيـل

تعالي نودّع طيف الأماني
ونُسدل يوماً.. عليها الستار
يعزّ عليّ رحيل الشموس
ويَحْزَنُ قلبي لموت النهار
تعالي نلملم أشلاء عمر
ونطوي حكايا.. الليالي القصار
قضينا مع الحب عمراً جميلا
وفي آخر الدرب لاح الجدار
لماذا تعربد فينا الأماني
ويخدعنا وجهها المستعار
لماذا نسافر خلف النجوم
ونحن نراها تضل المسار
هو الحب مهما حملناه طفلاً
ومهما طغى في دمانا وجار
سيغدو مع البعد كهلاً حزيناً
يُخلّف فينا الأسى والدمار
أراكِ ارتعاشة حلم لقيط
يطوف على الناس في كل دار
فمن أين يأتي لعينيكِ ضوء
وكل الذي في الحنايا انكسار
ومن أين يأتي الزمان الجميل
وكل الذي في يدينا انتظار
فلا تعجبي من ثلوج الشتاء
تغطي قلوباً كساها الغبار
ولا تحزني إن أتانا الصقيع
ولا تسألي العمر كيف استدار
لقد كنتِ صُبحاً سرى في الضلوع
فبعضكِ نورٌ.. وبعضكِ نار
- فـاروق جويـدة -

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Interview tips

When you are invited to an interview it means that the hiring manager believes you may be a good match for the job opening, and he or she wants to know for sure. The interview is used to determine whether you are qualified for the position. Also one important thing as the job seeker is, you should make use of the interview to determine whether you can be successful in the available position.
A candidate who can answer questions in a way which is acceptable, but not necessarily right, to the interviewer, someone who knows something about their potential employers business and the post they hope to fill. These are really the basic components of any candidate who 'interviews well'. There are undoubtedly other aspects employers may look for in relation to specific posts - having their own ideas, thinking on their feet, aspects which will be related to the job and to the company's preference in employees.

# Be prepared

Preparation increases confidence. Practice with your friends or relatives. Remember that everyone who is interviewing is not necessarily a good interviewer.

You may prepare by reviewing magazine and newspaper articles. You may check out their web site. Read your resume before your interview. It will keep your answers fresh.

# Location and punctuality

Find out the location of organization. Make sure you have a map or directions as well as information of the nearest railway station.

Arrive 5-10 minutes early. Arriving early will give you the opportunity to read some information on the company in the reception area.

# Be professional

Professional look always helps for good impression. Be careful about your dressing. Be aware of the company culture and ensure you dress to impress. Decide what you are going to wear the night before to avoid making the wrong choices.

# Be polite

Don't interrupt to the interviewer. Listen very carefully. Poor listening skills are responsible for the bad impression.

If the interview is being conducted in a restaurant, mind your table manners. If the interviewers are serious and soft-spoken, then you should be same as interviewer. Avoid loud laughter during the interviewer.

# Be positive

Keep in mind that there is only one chance to make a first impression. Every company wants employees who are goal-oriented, career-driven, enthusiastic and motivated. Be the employee as they want. End the interview on a positive note. The hiring official needs to know that you are interested, enthusiastic and excited about the position and the company.

# Be practical

If you are experienced then the interviewer already knows your current salary and benefits package. When the topic of salary comes up state that you know they will make a fair offer.

If you are offered the position during the interviewing process and you want the job then accept it. If the offer is not acceptable for any reason, ask for time to consider the offer.

# Human resource interview tips - Do's

* Have a firm handshake.
* Be sincere and direct.
* Introduce yourself in a courteous manner.
* Read company materials while you wait.
* You have to prepare for questions and listen carefully to the interviewer.
* Ask about the next step in the process.
* Thank the interviewer.
* Learn about the Human Resources Analyst Program and understand the different facets of human resources.
* You never know what the interviewer will ask you about, so be prepared to talk about anything you have included on your resume. You should be truthful about your experiences and skills.

# Human resource interview tips - Don'ts

* Don't show depression or discouragement.
* Don't start the topics like salary, benefits or working hours.
* Don't look at your watch.
* Don't take extensive notes.
* Don't be too serious.

# Follow up

Always write a thank you note immediately after the interview. If there are number of interviewers then send a copy of thank you letter to each person. Summarize your qualifications and how they meet the expectations of the position.


1. Preparation and confidence

Preparation and confidence are very important tips. Good preparation always creates confidence. So the important thing to an interview is to be well prepared. In this you have to consider two things:
* You must prepare yourself practically for the interview.
* You have to gather information which is useful during the interview.

2. Checklist

While going to interview you must consider the following things:
1. You have to confirm about the time, date and location of the interview and name of interviewee where appropriate.
2. You have to plan to get there no earlier than half an hour before the interview time.
3. You must ready with your dress which is professional.
4. Concentrate on the interview at the interview.
5. If you are asked to bring certificates, references etc., get them ready before the day. Your interview letter must be with you.
6. On arrival ensure the receptionist knows you are there.

3. Be on time!

Public transport may be useless if the traffic is heavy. Always keep in mind that you never get a second chance to make a first impression. So be on time at the particular location of interview.

Also if you are there so early, you can wait nearby cafe of shop. And if you are going to be late, then best option is call them.

4. Be Prepared!

Preparation means not only preparation of your syllabus etc. but also look at the company's website and learn something about the company before you attend your interview.

5. Write down and practice possible questions!

If you collect the job interview sample questions and practice for it then it will make easy to remember when you get to the interview. Use the third person when talking about the job. Avoid sounding as though you assume the job is yours.

It is fine to ask about the package on offer and accommodation - living in and living out are particularly relevant. Do not forget to find out if the company will guarantee a resort or chalet - many will only allocate you a country. You could also try a fewer more testing questions such as how they differentiate themselves from their competitors or what they think the toughest/hardest part of the job is.

6. You never get a second chance to make a first impression!

First keep in mind that you never the second chance to make a first impression so be careful.
Some points are here to remember:
* Smile is one of the thing which may matter in your impression. Good smile always please people.
* Dressing also an important thing. You should be in professional dress. And must be looking formal.
* Do not forget for firm handshake.
* Eye contact without glaring is showing your confidence.

7. Do not talk too much!

Always remember that communication is two-way things so give them a chance. Also don't interrupt to interviewer when he/she is talking. Give him/her full chance to talk.

One common mistake candidates make when interviewing is talking too much. It is important to listen to the question asked and answer that question. Keep your answers to two to three minutes at the most. When you limit your time, you tend to stay more focused. It is very easy to stray off the subject and ramble about things irrelevant to the job if your answer is too long.

# Sell Yourself

Interviewing is about selling yourself. The product you are selling is you. Give them reasons to buy. Tell them what you can do for them. Emphasize what you can bring to the company, department and position. Convince them that your product is better than the competition's

# Talking Salary

Timing is everything in the interview. Let them bring up the subject of money. If you are asked what your salary expectations are too early in the process, just say you would rather postpone that discussion until you have more information about the position.

# Ask your way into a better job

You can not really tell how good a job is from a want ad. There's often a gap between the exciting opportunity portrayed in the ad and the actual job.

You can often get the straight scoop about a job by asking the right questions. For example, in the job interview, ask, "What attributes are most needed to succeed in this job?"

After you are offered a job but before accepting it, ask a few more questions or even ask permission to talk with your future coworkers.

# Be enthusiastic and positive!

During interview always enthusiastic. Do not say bad points for the previous employers. Focus on positive achievements and views.

# Check in During Interviews

Your initial interview answers should be brief. But some of your best stories may take time to detail, then after two minutes ask for permission to go on. You may say something like, "Now I have described about my project, would you like to hear about my role in detail?"

# Answer Briefly

The best interviews have a give and take atmosphere. To do this, you need to ask questions and try to draw out your interviewer rather than talking about yourself nonstop. When it comes to talking during an interview, sometimes less is more. A general rule is you should speak one-third of the time and definitely no more than half of the time. When it is your turn to speak, do not hesitate to talk about yourself.

# First Comes the Phone

Now a days telephone screening is becoming very common. So you need to be prepared for the phone to ring at any time. These screenings may be for 10 to 15 minutes, depending on your answers and fit for the job. it is helpful if you have thought about questions likely to be asked during the screening and prepared your answers.

# Take a spare photo and CV with you!

It may happen that the interviewer wants your resume and photo. Your interviewer won't be expecting it so you will impress them. It also helps them remember you after the interview. So always keep a spare photo and resume with you while going to interview.

# Look Them in the Eyes

Eye contact is showing your confidence. Eye contact is one of the most important aspects of nonverbal communication and can make a significant difference in how you present yourself. If you look away when speaking to someone, you are viewed as lacking confidence or interest. So always answer the question with eye contact to interviewer.

# Look Better, Feel Better

If you want to spruce up your appearance for the interview but can not afford new clothes, consider altering an outfit you already have by pairing it with a different shirt, tie, blouse or accessory. Even on a tight budget, you can find some real bargains out there. Think about what you need before you go out shopping. Outlet stores and resale shops offer some great treasures. For better or worse, looks can make a difference.

Ask the power questions

In the earlier you can ask these questions:

* What are you most hoping to find in the person you hire?
* What would be my first priorities on the job?
# Put up with rejection?

If you are rejected from the company, you may feel hurt, angry or fed up. Instead of being stuck in feeling rejected, take back the power by staying proactive. If you really wanted to work for that particular company, sit down and write a letter. Remind them of all the positive points you could bring to the organization. Let them know you are still interested in working for the company if something should change or open up.

# Face the feedback

If you ask for feedback from an interviewer, be prepared to hear things that could be upsetting. You should listen carefully, and take notes to refer to and react to. Do not argue or defend yourself. At last do not forget to thank the interviewer. Then, take the advice and think about changing some techniques to improve on your next interview.

# Emotional preparation

Preparing emotionally for the interview is also important. The right mood helps you perform at your best. Try out following points for preparing emotionally:

* Get moving that means go for a walk, run, exercise, meditate, do yoga, stretch, dance.
* Sing your favorite song while driving to the interview.
* Repeat an inspirational phrase aloud that's meaningful for you

# Talk about specific achievements!

Interviewers like to know how you felt about a particular success. Some will ask for specific examples of things you have done that you are particularly proud of; how you solved problems; how you learned - and improved - from difficult situations.

*Prove What You Could Do

Always put a positive spin on your answers to difficult questions. If you lack a particular skill or do not know a certain computer program, be sure to emphasize how quickly you learn. Give an example of a time when you were able to get up to speed in a similar situation. Companies are interested in people who can hit the ground running.

36. Preparing to meet the employer

The interview is not the time to get to know about the post or the employers business. It is a chance for you and the employer to get to know one another.

Gather information about your employer before you are interviewed like what are their current projects, what other interests do they have? etc.

You should know job description, or ask someone in a similar post. Otherwise ring the company to clarify.

Keep in mind that the employer is interested in you as a person, your experiences and your opinions do take the time to sit down and think about you, who you are and what you have achieved.

Remember the one thing that your CV must be with you and make notes about your work record and what you have achieved. Make notes and prepare and rehearse sound bites about yourself.

37. Ask Questions

There is always the opportunity to ask them questions at the end of the interview, remember the interview is a two-way process, you need to be sure you want to join them. Try to concentrate on issues, which are both important to you and combine an apparent interest in the company. Write your questions down prior to the interview and take them with you.

38. Be honest!

Be honest with every question. No need to lying about your background and/or skills. If you get caught then you will definitely out. Job interviews are about matching needs, if there is not a good match, then there is no chance of job.

39. Check your CV for possible gaps!

If there is any gap between your academic then make sure you know how you are going to explain time gaps on your CV.

40. Presentation

Dressing is also important aspect at the time of interview. Dressing should be appropriate for the post and the company. Try to get information about what the company would expect from employees. What would be appropriate for a building company is very different for a public relations agency. Be well-groomed and clean and above all try to look confident.

41. Thank-You Salutations

While writing an interview thank-you note, problem may arise like whether to use a formal or informal salutation? If the hiring manager is in a high position of authority, use a formal salutation. But if the hiring manager suggests using her first name. When in doubt, use a formal salutation.

42. Get to Work!

If you are Unemployed? Then your job right now is to find a job. Do not blame to yourself. Think of this as going to work. Research companies, industries and positions. Take this as good experience to succeed in future interviews.


As we have to consider the positive things while interview, also we have to consider the worst interview blunders.

Following are the points which we have to avoid during the interview:

1. Not preparing for the interview:

Keep in mind that preparation always increases confidence. So do not face the interview without preparation. You cannot communicate without pre-interview research.

2. Showing up late or too early:

One of the first lessons in job-search is to show up on time for interviews. Many job seekers do not realize that showing up too early often creates a poor first impression. Arriving more than 10 minutes early for an interview shows that the job seeker has too much time on his or her hands. Always remember that your time is as valuable as the interviewer's. Always arrive on time, but never more than 10 minutes early.

3. Poor handshake:

In every place handshaking matters a lot. With the help of handshaking anyone can judge your personality. The shake hand starts the interview and that is your first opportunity to create a great impression. If you have delivered a poor handshake, it is impossible for you to recover it. Here are some examples:
* The limp hand gives the impression of disinterest or weakness.
* Only tips of the fingers shows lack of ability to engage.
* The arm pump shows overly aggressive salesman.
Your handshake may be telling more about you than you know. Ask about your handshaking to your friends who are not afraid to tell you the truth.

4. Treating the receptionist rudely:

The first person you meet on an interview is a receptionist. The receptionist has the power to say about your positive or negative points before you even set eyes on the interviewer. The interviewer may also solicit the receptionist's opinion of you after you leave.

5. Talking too much:

Talking too much always creates a problem. To avoid over-talking, practice answering questions in a direct manner. Avoid nervous talking by preparing for your interview with role-play.

6. Talking negatively about current or past employers/managers:

The fastest way to talk yourself out of a new job is to say negative things. Even if your last boss was not good, never state your ill feelings about him/her. No matter how reasonable your complaints, you will come out the loser if you show that you disrespect your boss because the interviewer will assume that you would similarly trash him or her. When faced with the challenge of talking about former employers, make sure you are prepared with a positive spin on your experiences.

8. Asking about benefits, vacation time or salary:

Do not ask about the benefits, vacation time or salary during the first interview. Wait until you have won the employer over before beginning that discussion.

9. Verbal ticks:

The first signs of nervousness are verbal ticks. We all have them from time to time "umm," "like," "you know." You can also sometimes avoid verbal ticks by pausing for a few seconds to gather your thoughts before each response.

To reduce the verbal ticks practice for sharing your best success stories ahead of time, and you will feel more relaxed during the real interview.

10. Not enough/too much eye contact:

Eye contact shows your confidence but it may happen that it creates a negative effect also. Avoid eye contact and you will seem shifty, untruthful, or disinterested. If you sometimes have trouble with eye-contact balance, work this issue out ahead of time in an interview practice session with a friend.

11. Failure to match communication styles:

It is almost impossible to make a good first impression if you can not communicate effectively with an interviewer. But you can easily change that situation. Following points will help to you.
* If the interviewer seems all business, then you must be behave like business.
* If the interviewer is personable, try discussing his/her interests.
* If the interviewer asked a direct question, answer directly.
Allowing the interviewer to set the tone of conversation can vastly improve your chances of making a favorable impression.

12. Final Thoughts

Just as a strong resume wins you an opportunity to interview, strong interview skills will win you consideration for the job. You already know that you won't earn an interview unless your resume sets you apart as a candidate of choice. Start your job search with a resume that creates a stellar first impression.